Thursday, March 26, 2009

Iron Scepter - !?!

and He will shepherd them with an iron scepter; He will shatter them like pottery-- just as I have received this from My Father. - Revelation 2:27 27

I was pretty chuffed after writing my first couple of blog posts and the cool name that I thought I'd chosen for this blog. However shortly after telling a few of my friends that I was now officially a 'blogger' (and therefore was with the 'in' crowd at my prestigious college) a close friend of mine thinking of the above verse said, "So have you called it Iron Scepter because you are going to smash other peoples arguments like pottery?". The answer would most definitely have to be.. No!

The thought of it does amuse me though... maybe one day when I can actually form a coherent argument (I think that comes in 4th of Moore College).


  1. Yup, that's fourth year. Coherence 401.

  2. Love the thought of you forming a 'coherent thoughts', while talking about smashing things up.

    Order and Chaos.

    Love your new Blog, Victor.

  3. So you're going to be smashing the actual people then, not their arguments? :P
