Friday, March 27, 2009

Too much pepper...

I was recently watching an episode of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, quite frequently in-between swearing he comments about the level of seasoning on a dish. Sometimes the dish has so much seasoning that he can't taste the ingredients-the salt or sauce overriding the fine taste of the Atlantic salmon. Other times there is so little seasoning on a soup that it is bland.

If we took the state of our Christian affairs and converted it into a dish I wonder what comments would be made as to the flavor of our dish. Perhaps our ingredients aren't the best... maybe instead of Atlantic salmon we are using a cheap substitute dyed pink and lit just right as to give the appearance of freshness. Maybe it is that we have over seasoned and now the salt bush lamb can no longer identified with the Coles sauce poured all over it.

Each Christian is given a quality base ingredient to work with; whether your want it to be a red, white or pink meat the decision has already been made by Jesus, and it is clearly that of a red meat (sorry vegetarians - 1 Peter 1:19). That Christ has been offered up as the lamb for us is indisputable, but sometimes when we serve up Christianity to non-believers we add unnecessary seasoning to a dish which is already succulent and tender (I'm writing this entry just before lunch - Hebrews 10:10).

So what are these seasonings that are unhelpful for the Gospel?

In the next couple of posts I'll include some of these problems from a biblical perspective.

If you have any suggestions as well please feel free to post them in the comments and we'll flesh them out a little more in the following posts.

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